Trudeau is a baaaaad politician

Robert Muncaster, Bitcoin Nobody
3 min readFeb 11, 2022

I’ve been keenly watching what’s happening up in Canada. While I’m not directly affected there’s something about what those canucks are doing. They are showing the world how to properly protest, how to fight for rights and make themselves heard in a peaceful way. It gives me hope to be honest — if they are willing to protest like this in Canada then there’s hope for the rest of the world.

So — this Trudeau fella — what a freaking numbskull. The guy literally has the opportunity to have his cake and eat it too. That man could go out and talk to all of the truckers, he could walk with them, he could march with them. He could be a populist and say: “I march with you as a fellow Canadian who is frustrated at all of this, who hates what I feel to be government overreach, who wants to go back to normal. I am employed by Canadians to be a responsible adult and have to make hard decisions that even I don’t like, so I march with you. When I walk out with you here I am Justin Trudeau, call me Justin. When I walk back into parliament to do my job, I’ll be the Prime Minister you elected me to be and that’s being responsible”.

While I disagree with the argument, I think that vaccine mandates are deplorable evils — it would be good politics. His decision to demonize and call these truckers names is juvenile and mean and moronic, but more importantly it’s bad politics and I don’t think he comes back from this.

Vaccine mandates were ethically wrong to introduce to begin with. We’ve learned hard lessons in history of what comes from discrimination — we ended up coming up with a bill of rights and even Trudeau himself platformed himself on freedom to choose what you do with your own body. It was wrong to introduce them. Period.

However; I am sensitive to the fact that data showed 90+% efficacy against even catching Covid in March. They were remarkably effective at ending spread, and in that vein I am sensitive to the argument that vaccine passports could be effective scientifically to save lives. I disagree with it on moral grounds but was sensitive to it’s scientific merit.

But that fucking changed with Omicron! The vaccine does fuck all to stop the spread of Omicron. So not only are the vaccine mandates wrong ethically, but they are useless as a means of public health. So why still have them? The conspiracy theorists would point to WEF (Great reset, social credit system) or to Pfizer (financial incentives). If the conspiracy theorists were wrong we would see a strong reversal of vaccine passports — but we’re only seeing it in some places based on political popularity. Occam’s razor points to the conspiracy theories being right — those are the only logical conclusions as to why Trudeau, Austria, Germany aren’t backing down. The trend (being it’s the communists holding through) would point to the WEF.

Yes, I believe the WEF is evil, I think Trudeau is their puppet trying to bring out their global communist state by handing Canada on a silver platter.

What about down here in the US? I think Biden is a fucking joke and I think that placing him in the whitehouse to destroy America was part of the plan. They need to destroy America to be able to take control — and they tried. Destroy the economy, the fillibuster, the sentate, and packing the supreme court — it was all up for grabs and they were sure they had it. But what happend? Joe Manchin happened — and that guy will never know how critical of a role he played in stopping these bastards — frankly I’m surprised they haven’t offed him for it because they lose both the senate and the house in the fall, and they lose the presidency in 2024, they are running out of time. It’s strange to me that the shortsighted leaders in Canada, Australia, NZ, German, Austria don’t see that they should retreat and live to fight another day — it’s like none of them have read the art of war, and it’s clear in global politics who has.

Go truckers, what you’re fighting is bigger than you can ever imagine for the future of your country.



Robert Muncaster, Bitcoin Nobody

- Equities and options Trader, long/short. Crypto will change the world